[reSIProcate] ClientPublication bug with 401/auth and queued changes
aron_rosenberg at logitech.com
aron_rosenberg at logitech.com
Wed Sep 22 18:54:24 CDT 2010
I found a bug in ClientPublication which is causing it to fail a
transaction if an update request is made while an existing request is on
the wire that will result in a 401. A very simple scenario that can cause
this is if the server has nonce re-use disabled (or lifetime of 0) and an
updated PUBLISH is requested by the user while a current PUBLISH is on the
Client Server
PUBLISH 1 ---------------------->
PUBLISH 2 with auth -------->
<----------------200 ok------------
PUBLISH 3 with auth ------->
PUBLISH 4 requested (gets queued in ClientPublication)
When the 401 for PUB3 arrives, the stack doesn't do anything with it and
dum calls ClientPublicationHandler::onFailure with a 401
I believe the bug is that ClientPublication.cxx is incrementing the CSeq
number on the shared_ptr request even in the case where it is queuing the
new PUBLISH rather than sending it right away. This is causing the CSeq
test in DialogSet::handledByAuthOrRedirect(const SipMessage& msg) to fail
when the 401 arrives becuase the CSeq is now greater in the stored /
shared_ptr request than what just came on the wire.
You can force this using the new resip/dum/test/basicPublication.cxx if you
define PUB_REALLY_FAST and have a server which doesn't allow nonce re-use.
The following patch fixes the issue and I will commit it if nobody says
otherwise. All it basically does is only increment the CSeq number when the
request is actually sent to the wire, rather than when a request could be
queued up.
Index: resip/dum/ClientPublication.cxx
--- resip/dum/ClientPublication.cxx (revision 8815)
+++ resip/dum/ClientPublication.cxx (working copy)
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
InfoLog (<< "End client publication to " << mPublish->header
- mPublish->header(h_CSeq).sequence()++;
mPublish->header(h_Expires).value() = 0;
@@ -230,7 +229,6 @@
expiration = mPublish->header(h_Expires).value();
- mPublish->header(h_CSeq).sequence()++;
@@ -283,7 +281,6 @@
- mPublish->header(h_CSeq).sequence()++;
@@ -328,6 +325,7 @@
+ request->header(h_CSeq).sequence()++;
mWaitingForResponse = true;
mPendingPublish = false;
Aron Rosenberg
Logitech Inc, (SightSpeed Group)
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