[reSIProcate] Bug with ClientSubscription when handling NOTIFY while the client is terminating the subscription (with patch)

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Fri Sep 17 13:21:38 CDT 2010

Hi Francis,

Sorry this took so long.  The patch looks good to me - thanks for submitting
it.  I've applied this change to SVN mainline.


On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Francis Joanis
<francis.joanis at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> Here's something else we discovered when experimenting with
> Client/Server subscriptions.
> The original scenario was:
> - Having two processes, one ClientSubscription and one ServerSubscription
> - Have the client subscribe to the server
> - Have the server send NOTIFYs every 4 seconds or so
> - Have the client terminate the subscription
> - At the same time disconnect the network connection between the
> client and server
> - Reconnect the network connection
> The outcome is that onTerminated wasn't getting called on the client.
> In the details, what happens is that pre-termination NOTIFYs get
> resent while the network is disrupted. On the client, a resent NOTIFY
> is received while mEnded == true, which ends up creating the bug.
> The actual bug is that since mEnded == true, we never call
> acceptUpdate/rejectUpdate/... on that NOTIFY and thus it ends up
> sticking into the mQueuedNotifies queue.
> Since it sticks in the queue, when the server finally sends a
> termination NOTIFY it never actually gets processed by the client
> (instead it gets queued up on mQueuedNotifies), which means that
> onTerminated isn't called on the client.
> I've written a small app that exhibits the same behavior and that
> should show the problem and that the proposed patch seems to work. To
> simulate the problem, I'm resending a previously sent NOTIFY right
> after calling end() on the client subscription.
> The patch itself isn't too bad unless I'm missing something. It simply
> rejects all incoming NOTIFYs (but the terminated ones) received while
> in that "state".
> Attached is a tar.gz containing the patch, the test code and a simple
> makefile to compile the test code (tested on Ubuntu).
> Thanks!
> Francis
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