[reSIProcate] Multiple REFER handling in resiprocate

Robert Szokovacs rszokovacs at gammatelecom.hu
Thu Aug 19 05:03:09 CDT 2010


we're developing a server application where the client can send multiple REFER 
requests in the same dialog. According to RFC3515, section 2.4.6, each REFER 
creates a subscription and they are identified by an Event header in the 
NOTIFYs. The RFC states that this Event header must include an id parameter, 
equal to the CSeq header of the REFER request that created the subscription.
Currently the DUM code doesn't do this (see BaseSubscription::BaseSubscription 
in resip/dum/BaseSubscription.cxx), it just puts "refer" in the Event header 
(or if the request had an Event header, it is kept and used in the NOTIFY 
I think this is not the correct behaviour and it can be easily fixed.
Should I send a patch here?



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