[reSIProcate] Putting the License on the website

Philip Kizer pckizer at nostrum.com
Fri Jul 9 19:10:04 CDT 2010

On 2010/07/09, at 17:50, aron_rosenberg at logitech.com wrote:
> Could somebody who has website wiki access create an official page for the
> license file and terms?
> I couldn't find it anywhere in the wiki

When dealing with Godaddy on the SSL certificate, they've asked about the license and I've satisfied their needs with one of the following (they didn't indicate which one they found notable):

<http://www.resiprocate.org/ReSIProcate_Current_Features> links to: <http://opensource.org/licenses/vovidapl.php>

and the end of some of the source code files like:



1) Does one of those satisfy your needs, or
2) Do you suggest making a page that links more prominently to one of those, or
3) Do you suggest making a page that copies the data from one of those sources?


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