[reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-commit] resiprocate 8777 sgodin: -modified the Windows implementations of determineSourceInterface to not
maodong hu
hhmmdd at tom.com
Sun Jun 13 21:14:39 CDT 2010
oh, I think I have been waiting this update for 3 years, I ever reported
this problem on 2007-7-3 as following:
I encounter register problem when my proxy server( is the
same machine that my UA running:
if I write mDum.addTransport(resip::UDP, ListenPort); then register is ok
but if I write mDum.addTransport(resip::UDP, ListenPort, V4, Data(""); then register got 503 No matching transport found
This is because when you bind the transport to it is binding
to your NIC only and not to the loopback address. When sending data to the
same machine resip wants to use the loopback address.
2010/6/13 <svn at resiprocate.org>
> Projectresiprocate New Revision8777<http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate?view=rev&rev=8777>
> Committersgodin (Scott Godin) Date2010-06-13 10:39:35 -0500 (Sun, 13 Jun
> 2010) Log
> -modified the Windows implementations of determineSourceInterface to not
> return the loopback adapter ( This is accomplished by checking
> first if the address is a local address. If it is, then we don't call getBestRoute or
> getBestInterfaceEx (since they will just return the loopback address), we just use
> the address itself as the source. This change helps in scenarios when a resip UA and
> proxy are run on the same machine. The registration will no longer contain the
> loopback address as the Contact URI. It also helps when you bind the stack
> to a particular interface card, then try to route a SIP message to the same machine.
> In this case the stack would fail to find a transport, since getBestRoute would
> return the Loopback interface, and we don't have a transport bound to this interface.
> Modified:
> - main/rutil/DnsUtil.cxx
> <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/main/rutil/DnsUtil.cxx?r1=8776&r2=8777&diff_format=l>
> - main/rutil/WinCompat.cxx
> <http://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/main/rutil/WinCompat.cxx?r1=8776&r2=8777&diff_format=l>
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Best Regards
Maodong Hu
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