[reSIProcate] keepalivemanager stun over udp

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Sun Jun 13 11:01:15 CDT 2010

I think it would be possible for you to:
-sub-class the KeepaliveManager
-pass your udp transport pointer to your new class constructor, before you
call setKeepAliveManager()
-override the process method and have it do Stun keepalives, instead of
CRLFCRLF keepalives
All without modifying DUM or resip.  You could even contribute your
StunKeepAliveManager implementation to opensource.  : )


On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Justin Matthews <jmatthewsr at gmail.com>wrote:

>  It looks like it would be possible to use STUN as a keep-alive mechanism
> for UDP using the KeepAliveManager in DUM.  One implementation would be to
> pass in a UdpTransport pointer when adding a target to the
> KeepAliveManager.  Passing the UdpTransport pointer around requires some
> additional care and management if the UdpTransport is ever destroyed to
> avoid creating an invalid pointer, but it looks like the stack doesn’t
> currently support/expose sending a STUN request to a particular target.
> Any thoughts and/or objections to passing a UdpTransport pointer to
> KeepAliveManager::add()?  If the pointer is null then the current behavior
> would be used (send CRLF), if not then a STUN request would be tried and
> fallback to CRLF if it fails.
> Thanks.
> -justin
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