[reSIProcate] CSeq value of terminated NOTIFY

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Wed May 26 16:06:52 CDT 2010

Nice catch - even if its legal, it definitely wasn't intentional!
 I've committed a fix for this to SVN main.


On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Francis Joanis <francis.joanis at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi again :)
> When calling ClientSubscription::end(), the corresponding
> ServerSubscription object has to send a final NOTIFY indicating that
> the subscription state is terminated.
> However, the CSeq sequence of that last NOTIFY is always +2 from the
> last one and not only +1.
> The code in ServerSubscription::dispatch ends up calling:
> ...
> if(mExpires == 0)
> ...
> makeNotifyExpires();
> handler->onExpiredByClient(getHandle(), msg, *mLastRequest);
> mDialog.makeResponse(*mLastResponse, mLastSubscribe, 200);
> mLastResponse->header(h_Expires).value() = mExpires;
> send(mLastResponse);
> end(Timeout);
> ...
> The first call to makeNotifyExpires will create a new NOTIFY request
> and will increment the CSeq. Nothing seems to be actually done with
> that request (besides giving it to onExpiredByClient). The NOTIFY that
> will eventually get sent is actually constructed by calling
> end(Timeout), which overwrites the request constructed by
> makeNotifyExpires and which also increments the CSeq (again).
> Do you think the CSeq +2 could be considered a potential problem? I
> had a quick look at the RFCs but couldn't find anything.
> Thanks,
> Francis
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