[reSIProcate] fail to build resiprocate under VS2008 64bit

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Fri May 21 08:10:13 CDT 2010

On 5/21/10 05:06, May 21, Klaus Darilion wrote:
> Hi!
> I just tried to build resiprocate 1.6 with VS2008. Under 32bit it 
> built without problems, but it fails to build for 64bit platform.
> The problem is inline assembler code (__asm) code in rutil, which is 
> not supported by VS on 64bit platform. (easy to fix - just comment the 
> assembler code)

Except that code does something. Is there some macro that VS2008 defines 
when compiling in 64-bit mode? If so, you'll want to change the 
"#define" in rutil/stun/Stun.h on line 809 to include that macro as 
well. E.g.:

#if !defined(UNDER_CE) && !defined(__GNUC__) && 


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