[reSIProcate] Bug with Multiple Accept headers

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Thu May 20 16:11:26 CDT 2010

The accept header is indicating what body types the endpoint is willing to
accept in the response.  The validateAccept code is following RFC3261
checking.  I would recommend that you just disable Accept header validation
as it reduces interoperability - by setting
MasterProfile::validateAcceptEnabled to false.


On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 5:02 PM, <aron_rosenberg at logitech.com> wrote:

> So I found the issue. We had strict mimetype checking on and
> MasterProfile.cxx doesn't add application/sdp for BYE. But this brings up an
> interesting question...Should the stack be validating Accept for an inbound
> request on a message that has no body?
> -Aron
> Aron Rosenberg
> Logitech Inc, (SightSpeed Group)
> __________________
> So adding just
> m.header(h_Accepts).push_back(resip::Mime("application","sdp"));
> to the onReadyToSend for InviteSession if its a BYE, causes the stack to
> issue a 406 when receiving it. Let me step debug inside resiprocate to
> figure out whats going on.
> Aron Rosenberg
> Sr. Director, Engineering
> Phone: +1 (510) 713-5801
> Logitech Inc, (SightSpeed Group)
> [image: Inactive hide details for Scott Godin ---05/20/2010 01:39:17
> PM---The easiest way to decorate the BYE message is to use the onR]Scott
> Godin ---05/20/2010 01:39:17 PM---The easiest way to decorate the BYE
> message is to use the onReadyToSend InviteSession callback.
> From: Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com>
> To: aron_rosenberg at logitech.com
> Cc: resiprocate-devel <resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org>
> Date: 05/20/2010 01:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Bug with Multiple Accept headers
> Sent by: slgodin at gmail.com
> ------------------------------
> The easiest way to decorate the BYE message is to use the onReadyToSend
> InviteSession callback.
> Scott
> On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 3:42 PM, <*aron_rosenberg at logitech.com*<aron_rosenberg at logitech.com>>
> wrote:
>    I'll try and a get full resip log to see whats going on, but the
>    hardware endpoint is in India. I have noticed, that resiprocate doesn't
>    include the Accept header in the BYE's it generates, is there a way perhaps
>    to force that?
>    -Aron
>    Aron Rosenberg
>    Logitech Inc, (SightSpeed Group)
>    [image: Inactive hide details for Scott Godin ---05/20/2010 12:11:25
>    PM---The code in validateAccept looks right to me - it should be s]Scott
>    Godin ---05/20/2010 12:11:25 PM---The code in validateAccept looks right to
>    me - it should be searching all Accept headers. In order
>    From: Scott Godin <*sgodin at sipspectrum.com* <sgodin at sipspectrum.com>>
>    To: *aron_rosenberg at logitech.com* <aron_rosenberg at logitech.com>
>    Cc: resiprocate-devel <*resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org*<resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org>
>    >
>    Date: 05/20/2010 12:11 PM
>    Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Bug with Multiple Accept headers
>    Sent by: *slgodin at gmail.com* <slgodin at gmail.com>
>    ------------------------------
>    The code in validateAccept looks right to me - it should be searching
>    all Accept headers.  In order to get into the code block you mentioned the
>    following call would have to be returning false:
>    if(request.exists(h_Accepts))
>    Given that you see the Accept headers in the BYE message, I'm not sure
>    why this is failing offhand.  Perhaps the SIPMessage failed to parse
>    properly?  Maybe the resip logs would reveal more.
>    Scott
>    On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 2:19 PM, <*aron_rosenberg at logitech.com*<aron_rosenberg at logitech.com>>
>    wrote:
>       So we have an interop issue with another SIP stack relating to that
>          stack sending multiple "Accept" headers. Resiprocate is bouncing the BYE
>          message with a 406 Not Acceptable error.
>          The brief snippet from a pcap shows Accept being listed in this
>          exact order.
>          Accept: application/sdp,application/media_control+xml\r\n
>          Accept: application/presentation_token_control+xml\r\n
>          The same set of headers is allowed in the initial INVITE.
>          I believe what is happening is that
>          DialogUsageManager::validateAccept(const SipMessage& request)
>          isn't properly searching multiple Accept header lines and it's falling into
>          this block of code
>          // If no Accept header then application/sdp should be assumed for
>          certain methods
>          else if(method == INVITE ||
>          method == OPTIONS ||
>          method == PRACK ||
>          method == UPDATE)
>          {
>          if(getMasterProfile()->isMimeTypeSupported(request.header(h_RequestLine).method(),
>          Mime("application", "sdp")))
>          {
>          return true;
>          }
>          }
>          But in this case, BYE is not an option, so it bounces the
>          message.
>          A very simple fix would be to add BYE to that list, but are
>          multiple Accept headers legal? If so, then the logic higher up in
>          validateAccept needs to be changed to search more than just the last header
>          line.
>          Which is the right approach?
>          Aron Rosenberg
>          Logitech Inc, (SightSpeed Group)
>          _______________________________________________
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