[reSIProcate] Getting access to raw Contents

Francis Joanis francis.joanis at gmail.com
Fri May 14 07:29:07 CDT 2010

Hi guys,

I've been experimenting with an extended version of the pidf+xml
content type (by extended I mean there are a few more fields to it).
Since pidf+xml is already registered to the Pidf contents class
(through the content factory), every time I try to read it out of a
SipMessage instance it ends up dropping the additional fields since
Pidf::encode re-encodes the XML payload from its cached data.

I was wondering if there's a way to get the raw data of a content
instance, something like Data Contents::getRaw() or

If there is no way of currently doing this, I'll try to implement it
and let you know of the result.


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