[reSIProcate] help with dns lookup, two different code paths being used

Justin Matthews jmatthewsr at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 16:26:19 CST 2010

Please disregard this last email.  I've mixed some other DNS code with the
resip code.  Thanks.




From: Justin Matthews [mailto:jmatthewsr at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 5:04 PM
To: 'resiprocate-devel'
Subject: help with dns lookup, two different code paths being used




Hoping someone with a bit more knowledge of the DNS in resip can help me
figure out how 2 different code paths seem to be used when querying a DNS
entry. Two different boxes running the same resip code are seeing 2
different results.  The first is working correctly, an outbound invite is
being sent to a URI with a FQDN.  The lookup works and the call is
successful.  The second seems to use a different code path, logs that it got
the result, but after this the outbound call never goes out.  The only
difference externally is that in case #2, the lookup takes approx 8seconds,
where in case #1 the lookup completes without delay.  


Here is a snippet of the 2 paths, hoping someone can explain the difference.
Note the fqdn and IP have been changed as they were public.   Thanks.


The format of the logs is [log entry #][datetime][thread id][file.line][Log


#1 Successful case:


[     51101] [2010-01-19T15:21:39.129] [4236] [trace] [TransactionState
.2006] [sendToWire with no dns result: tid=5b076550e903cd0a [
ClientInvite/Calling reliable target=[ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target
domain=unspecified mFlowKey=0 ]]]

[     51102] [2010-01-19T15:21:39.129] [4236] [debug] [TransportSelector
.0317] [Looking up dns entries for sip:12071234567 at myfqdn.invalid:5060]

[     51103] [2010-01-19T15:21:39.129] [4236] [debug] [DnsResult
.0209] [DnsResult::lookup sip:12071234567 at myfqdn.invalid:5060]

[     51104] [2010-01-19T15:21:39.129] [4236] [trace] [DnsStub
.0392] [DNS query of:myfqdn.invalid A]

[     51105] [2010-01-19T15:21:39.155] [4236] [trace] [DnsStub
.0424] [myfqdn.invalid not cached. Doing external dns lookup]

[     51106] [2010-01-19T15:21:39.180] [4236] [debug] [DnsStub
.0044] [myfqdn.invalid(A)-->]

[     51107] [2010-01-19T15:21:39.180] [4236] [trace] [DnsResult
.0774] [Received dns result for: myfqdn.invalid]

[     51108] [2010-01-19T15:21:39.180] [4236] [trace] [DnsResult
.0775] [DnsResult::onDnsResult() 0]

[     51109] [2010-01-19T15:21:39.180] [4236] [trace] [DnsResult
.0797] [Adding [ V4 UDP target domain=myfqdn.invalid 

mFlowKey=0 ] to result set]

[     51110] [2010-01-19T15:21:39.190] [4236] [trace] [TransactionState
.1833] [tid=5b076550e903cd0a [ ClientInvite/Calling reliable target=[ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target domain=unspecified mFlowKey=0 ]] got DNS
result: myfqdn.invalid --> [[ V4 UDP target
domain=myfqdn.invalid mFlowKey=0 ]]]

[     51111] [2010-01-19T15:21:39.190] [4236] [trace] [DnsResult
.0189] [Returning next dns entry: [ V4 UDP target
domain=myfqdn.invalid mFlowKey=0 ]]


#2 Failure case


[       555] [2010-01-19T10:53:15.568] [4700] [trace] [TransactionState
.2006] [sendToWire with no dns result: tid=9667f32dc6123d2c [
ClientInvite/Calling reliable target=[ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target
domain=unspecified mFlowKey=0 ]]]

[       556] [2010-01-19T10:53:15.568] [4700] [debug] [TransportSelector
.0317] [Looking up dns entries for sip:16044485600 at myfqdn.invalid:5060]

[       557] [2010-01-19T10:53:15.568] [4700] [debug] [DnsResult
.0209] [DnsResult::lookup sip:16044485600 at myfqdn.invalid:5060]

[       558] [2010-01-19T10:53:15.568] [4700] [trace] [DnsStub
.0392] [DNS query of:myfqdn.invalid A]

[       559] [2010-01-19T10:53:15.568] [4700] [trace] [DnsStub
.0424] [myfqdn.invalid not cached. Doing external dns lookup]

 [       562] [2010-01-19T10:53:23.826] [4420] [trace] [DnsResolver
.0228] [Looking up hostname = myfqdn.invalid]

[       563] [2010-01-19T10:53:23.982] [4420] [debug] [DnsResolver
.0383] [DnsResolver got DNS result ]

[       564] [2010-01-19T10:53:23.982] [4420] [trace] [DnsResolver
.0303] [Got DNS result. Target = myfqdn.invalid Result =]

[       565] [2010-01-19T10:53:23.982] [4420] [trace] [DnsResolver
.0240] [Lookup completed]

(No other log entry after this, after 1 minute the App tears down the call
with resip::end())

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