[reSIProcate] GNU autotool macro to check resiprocate libraries

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Mon Dec 21 16:06:21 CST 2009


?????! I've checked this into the current tree. I think we've already 
branched for the 1.6 release, so it won't get picked up automatically. 
I'll leave it to Byron to decide whether to move this over to the 
release tree manually.

Byron: I'm hardly an autotools expert, but this appears to pass a basic 
sanity check (reading, not passing it through autotools) for an 
application that wants to use a stock resip-ares/rutil/resip/dum setup. 
There is a lot of room for improvement (e.g., for apps that want to use 
more or less than this set; version detection support; and inclusion of 
the proper frameworks under OS X), but I figure this is both better than 
nothing and a good starting support for anyone who wants to improve things.


On 12/18/09 6:39 AM, Volodymyr Tarasenko wrote:
> Hi,
> As I know there is no any macros for gnu autotool to check existence of resiprocate in the system and possibility to define correct flags to compiler and linker.
> I think it could be useful to have such macro. I've attached AX_RESIP, pls let me know if there is any issue with it.
> Maybe it should be distributed with resiprocate ?
> Regards,
> Volodymyr!
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