[reSIProcate] Multiple Application Registration with Same Sip URI

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Wed Oct 28 08:53:29 CDT 2009

You should be able to push additional contacts on the REGISTER request
returned from dum::makeRegistration before calling dum::send.

To add a uri parameter to a contact header use:
msg.header(h_Contacts).front().uri().param(p_XXXX) = ....;
To add a contact parameter use:
msg.header(h_Contacts).front().param(p_XXX) = .... ;


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Gurpreet Sidhu <gurpreet.sidhu at tcs.com>wrote:

> Hi
>    How can I add multiple contacts in Resiprocate while registering on SIP
> server?If I am not wrong SIP specifications supports multiple contacts.
> Suppose I want to login to two different applicaitons using same SIP URI
> and I want to handle Audio Call in these two applications seperately. How
> can I acheive this?
> Do I need to send seperate parameter to let the SIP server know which
> contact belong to which application?
> Please also tell me how to add parameters in contact field in resiprocate?
> Thanks
> Gurpreet Singh Sidhu
> Tata Consultancy Services
> Mailto: gurpreet.sidhu at tcs.com
> Website: http://www.tcs.com
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