[reSIProcate] ClientRegistation::onRequestRetry not being called if Retry-After header present

aron_rosenberg at logitech.com aron_rosenberg at logitech.com
Fri Oct 2 17:36:28 CDT 2009

In DUM, there seems to be inconsistent handling with onRequestRetry and 4XX
and 5XX errors that have a Retry-After header

      onRequestRetry called only for 408 errors.
      Calls onFailure for all others and then checks
getDefaultRegistrationRetryTime and Retry-After (but no onRequestRetry is
fired if Retry-After header is present)

whereas in ClientPublication and ClientSubscription:
      onRequestRetry called for 408 or various 4XX and 5XX responses with a
Retry-After header
      if -1 returned then from onRequestRetry, then onFailure called


Aron Rosenberg
Sr. Director, Engineering
Phone: +1 (510) 665-2920
Logitech Inc, (SightSpeed Group)
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