[reSIProcate] Compile error in CpimContents (revision 8597)

Dario Bozzali Dario.Bozzali at ifminfomaster.com
Mon Sep 14 08:41:11 CDT 2009

I checked revision 8598 and I noticed that only FloatParameter.hxx has been chenged.
I think that also FloatParameter.cxx should be changed, as I wrote in my previous mail.

Moreover I forgot to report another compile issue always in FloatParameter constructor (FloatParameter.cxx): if parameters are not valid then a ParseExceptions is thrown like in the following line:
	throw ParseException("parameter constructor expected '='", __FILE__, __LINE__);
But actually ParseException contructor takes 4 parameters.
I changed the previous line in the following manner:
	throw ParseException("parameter constructor expected '='", "FloatParameter", __FILE__, __LINE__);

Best regards,
Dario Bozzali


-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Roach [mailto:adam at nostrum.com] 
Sent: lunedì 14 settembre 2009 15.20
To: Dario Bozzali
Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Compile error in CpimContents (revision 8597)

Good catch. I've committed the change. Thanks.


On 9/14/09 04:52, Sep 14, Dario Bozzali wrote:
> Hello,
> I've updated my Resiprocate repository with latest version (revision
> 8597) and I noticed an isssue while compiling CpimContents.
> In particular in CpimContents.hxx encodeParsed() is declared in the 
> following manner:
> 	virtual std::ostream&  encodeParsed(std::ostream&  str) const; But 
> actually it should declared as:
> 	virtual EncodeStream&  encode(EncodeStream&  stream) const; In fact 
> if RESIP_USE_STL_STREAMS is not defined in resipfaststreams.hxx it 
> doesn't compile.
> A similar issue is present in FloatParameter.hxx since encode() is 
> declared as:
> 	virtual std::ostream&  encode(std::ostream&  stream) const; But it 
> should be declared as:
> 	virtual EncodeStream&  encode(EncodeStream&  stream) const;
> Moreover also FloatParameter.cxx should be changed from:
> 	ostream&  FloatParameter::encode(ostream&  stream) const
> To:
> 	EncodeStream&  FloatParameter::encode(EncodeStream&  stream) const
> Best regards,
> Dario Bozzali
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