[reSIProcate] adding non-sdp contents to outbound invites using DumFeature

Justin Matthews jmatthewsr at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 13:46:40 CDT 2009



I am trying to add contents in addition to the normal SDP of an outbound
invite.  Using a DUM feature I want to store the contents pointer of this
new content in the appdialogset so that the contents can be looked up and
applied to the message.  The problem is trying to get the appdialogset from
the sipmessage sent to the feature without having an actual Dialog. Is there
a better way to do this?  I've looked at messagedecorator and possibly
storing a map of dialogsetid's to contents in my feature object, but the
messagedecorator has the rollback mechanism which seems like wasted cycles
and increased complexity and the map requires removing the entries once the
outbound call is finished.


Any ideas?





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