[reSIProcate] Ack IP Address Problem

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Jun 25 09:06:19 CDT 2009

	So the Record-Route has a private IP address in it? If so, there is  
not much you can do on the client end. You would have to get the  
server to put the public IP in the record-route header (or, even  
better, a fully qualified domain name that points to the appropriate  
interface). What proxy are you working with?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi Folks
> In my System I wanted to use the path of Ack through Server.So I  
> set the Record Router Parameter true.It worked fine and Ack in  
> Invite goes through Server in Private LAN.
> But When I test this scenario in Public Environment where my Server  
> uses Public and Private IP both then My Client Sends the Ack using  
> Private IP of My Client Not Public IP.Though it sends all other  
> things means Invite etc. using Public IP.
> So is there any code to tell the Client that it should use the  
> Public IP of server,not the IP in Route Parameter to send the Ack  
> to Server??
> My Server is not forwarding the Ack to second Client and I thought  
> this might be the Reason.My both Clients are behind Router and i am  
> doing all things correctly like Port forwarding etc.
> Please Suggest Something.
> Thanks in Advance
> Bye
> Gurpreet Singh Sidhu
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