[reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-users] resip/dum performance issue

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Apr 27 12:38:17 CDT 2009

	Cross-posting to resip-devel, since we're talking about a pretty  
significant change here.

	Yeah, but there is a tradeoff here; when dealing with really high  
load, the transport fds are firing constantly, meaning that we almost  
never block. And putting that extra fd into the select call does  
impose a (small) performance penalty.

	What does everyone think about this?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> At this point I am pretty sure that the problem is the udp buffer  
> size. After switching to TCP or when increasing the udp RCV buffer  
> size to 16K (the default is 8K) I am not seeing the retransmissions  
> and there is no spikes. I think that the approach of having the TU  
> put thing into the pipe that is a part of the select fd set the  
> stack sits on is better then have it wake up every 25ms.
> I think maybe we should have a buffer size configurable thru stack  
> API in the future.
> Ilana
> From: Byron Campen [mailto:bcampen at estacado.net]
> Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 12:47 PM
> To: Adam Roach
> Cc: Scott Godin; Ilana Polyak; resiprocate-users at resiprocate.org
> Subject: Re: [reSIProcate-users] resip/dum performance issue
>             We should be taking everything that is there. Also, I'm  
> wondering how we're seeing INVITE retransmissions 400 ms after the  
> 200 hits the wire; this doesn't involve DUM in any way.
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
> Are you saying we just take the top message and go back into a wait  
> instead of draining the queue?
> /a
> On 04/27/2009 11:23 AM, Byron Campen wrote:
>  Yeah, but we're talking about 25 transactions.
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
> That wouldn't be a bad thing to do, but I don't think it causes the  
> issue described in the email. There's an order of magnitude  
> difference between 25 ms and 500 ms.
> So it may improve the situation, but it's not the sole cause.
> /a
> On 04/27/2009 10:41 AM, Byron Campen wrote:
>  A while back, I noticed a slight problem in the way the stack's  
> process loop is constructed. The issue is that we can get in a  
> situation where we are blocking on a select call (in the transport  
> code) when there is work to be done in the transaction layer.  
> Basically, let's say we get down into the select call; we're waiting  
> for an fd to become ready. Then, the TU sends a request down to the  
> stack. This does not interrupt the select call; we sit there waiting  
> for an fd to become ready for 25ms, time out, and then notice the  
> new work that the TU kicked down to us. We could solve this by using  
> the "self-pipe" trick; where we have an anonymous pipe that we write  
> a single byte to whenever stuff gets put in the state machine fifo,  
> and we select on this pipe's fd along with the transport fds.
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
> That sounds strange.  Assuming the process loop is written  
> correctly, I wouldn't expect this behaviour.  Are you using  
> StackThread and DumThread from resip code unmodified?  Can you post  
> your test program(s)?
> >Also I noticed that stack gets select interrupt for each message is  
> it possible that this creates a problem?
> I'm not really sure why you think this is a problem - that's what is  
> supposed to happen.  Can you explain your question in more detail?
> Thanks,
> Scott
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 10:02 AM, Ilana Polyak <Ilana.Polyak at audiocodes.com 
> > wrote:
> Hello
> Maybe someone can help me with some performance issues I am seeing.
> I have a test client application that generates 25 simultaneous  
> calls  and another application that acts as a server and response  
> back with ok. After all 25 calls are connected the client app issues  
> another 25 calls and so own.
> A am calculating the time from when the first invite is sent until  
> the last OK for invite is received to see how many connect per  
> second I can have and the result are vary. Sometimes it will be just  
> 60 msec and sometimes 500 msec. It looks like the stack is  
> retransmitting some of the Invites because OK is not received on  
> time. But when I run ethereal I see that OK came it 400 msec before  
> invite was retransmitted. So it looks like the dum is not fast  
> enough to keep up with the stack. Does anyone have any dum  
> performance measurements?
> I am running stack using StackThread and I tried running dum from my  
> app and separately in dumthread.
> Also I noticed that stack gets select interrupt for each message is  
> it possible that this creates a problem?
> Thanks a lot
> I am using release 1.3.4, windows XP Pentium 3.2Gh.
> Ilana
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