Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Apr 23 11:06:40 CDT 2009

	Wait, are you trying to do RTP using a resip UdpTransport? This isn't  
going to work; the resip transports are meant for SIP only (and STUN  
over SIP, which is used solely for things like keeping NAT pinholes  

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi everyone
>      My problem with the STUN is getting complicated.We need the
> UdpTransport* object to invoke the stunSendTest function.It takes  the
> value returned by AddTransport and cast it to this class.Now  My  
> question
> is how can we use the Stun Mapped Port for the RTP data.Because by  
> using
> "udp_p=...AddTransport "
> or
> "udp_p=new resip::UdpTransport(fifo ,port,V4,StunEnabled,data);"
> It is binding the specific port and there is no way to delete the  
> transport
> if i use AddTransport in this case.So we cannot use that port for RTP
> data.I have tried it . My application is crashing.I hope this is the
> reason .
> So how to get the StunMapped Port for sending Audio/Video data.?
> Please reply ASAP.
> This is my code
> //begin
> resip::UdpTransport* udp_p;
> Fifo<TransactionMessage> *obj=new Fifo<TransactionMessage>;
> Fifo<TransactionMessage>& fifo=*obj;
> Data *dataobj=new Data();
> Data& data=*dataobj;
> udp_p=new resip::UdpTransport(fifo ,port,V4,StunEnabled,data);
> //WE MAY ALSO USE AddTransport here
> resip::Tuple mapAddress = Util::GetInstance()->GetStunAddres(udp_p);
> //end
> Thanks
> Gurpreet Singh
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