[reSIProcate] CSeq is incorrect in NOTIFY generated by DUM on SUBSCRIBE
Jason Fischl
jason.fischl at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 14:34:40 CST 2009
Yes. That was what I meant.
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 24, 2009, at 10:59, Adam Roach <adam at nostrum.com> wrote:
> I think (hope) Jason was talking about removing the "remote cseq"
> field. I'd wait for him to get to a non-virtual keyboard -- where he
> can examine the code himself -- for clarification.
> /a
> Robert Sparks wrote:
>> Well, if there was to be a change, it would not be to use the CSeq
>> from the other side, but rather to start at somewhere random
>> instead of always at 1.
>> While I don't really see a need to change to this random start
>> (because I don't see any benefit), I'm really uncomfortable with
>> the claim you're making here that it might do harm.
>> (I agree with watching out for unintended consequences in general,
>> but for this particular instance, if the change broke some peer,
>> then introducing a challenging proxy, for instance,
>> would break that same peer).
>> RjS
>> On Feb 24, 2009, at 9:52 AM, Jason Fischl wrote:
>>> My gut feeling here is to leave it unchanged. These kind of
>>> changes may have unintended consequences.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 24, 2009, at 6:55, Adam Roach <adam at nostrum.com> wrote:
>>>> Volodymyr:
>>>> Thanks for the suggestion.
>>>> In terms of the local CSeq: According to RFC 3261, The CSeq
>>>> number space is unique in each direction. In other words, the
>>>> CSeq in the NOTIFY is completely unrelated to the CSeq in the
>>>> SUBSCRIBE. The original code is correct.
>>>> I agree with you that the remote CSeq is not used, and can likely
>>>> be removed. I'd be interested to have Scott, Jason, and Derek
>>>> weigh in on whether this can be safely removed, or if there are
>>>> some future plans for it.
>>>> /a
>>>> Volodymyr Tarasenko wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> As I see dum is incorrectly generates CSeq in NOTIFY in case
>>>>> when SUBSCRIBE's SCeq was not 1. NOTIFY's CSeq always starts
>>>>> from 2 in spite of CSeq in SUBSCRIBE was not 1.
>>>>> The fast patch is very simple:
>>>>> --- resip/dum/Dialog.cxx
>>>>> +++ resip/dum/Dialog.cxx
>>>>> @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
>>>>> }
>>>>> mRemoteCSeq = request.header(h_CSeq).sequence();
>>>>> - mLocalCSeq = 1;
>>>>> + mLocalCSeq = request.header(h_CSeq).sequence();
>>>>> DebugLog ( << "************** Created Dialog as UAS
>>>>> **************" );
>>>>> DebugLog ( << "mRemoteNameAddr: " << mRemoteNameAddr );
>>>>> Also, after code review I've found that mRemoteCSeq is never
>>>>> used and looks like it could be safety removed.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Volodymyr!
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