[reSIProcate] CSeq is incorrect in NOTIFY generated by DUM on SUBSCRIBE
Robert Sparks
rjsparks at nostrum.com
Tue Feb 24 10:22:02 CST 2009
Well, if there was to be a change, it would not be to use the CSeq
from the other side, but rather to start at somewhere random instead
of always at 1.
While I don't really see a need to change to this random start
(because I don't see any benefit), I'm really uncomfortable with the
claim you're making here that it might do harm.
(I agree with watching out for unintended consequences in general, but
for this particular instance, if the change broke some peer, then
introducing a challenging proxy, for instance,
would break that same peer).
On Feb 24, 2009, at 9:52 AM, Jason Fischl wrote:
> My gut feeling here is to leave it unchanged. These kind of changes
> may have unintended consequences.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 24, 2009, at 6:55, Adam Roach <adam at nostrum.com> wrote:
>> Volodymyr:
>> Thanks for the suggestion.
>> In terms of the local CSeq: According to RFC 3261, The CSeq number
>> space is unique in each direction. In other words, the CSeq in the
>> NOTIFY is completely unrelated to the CSeq in the SUBSCRIBE. The
>> original code is correct.
>> I agree with you that the remote CSeq is not used, and can likely
>> be removed. I'd be interested to have Scott, Jason, and Derek weigh
>> in on whether this can be safely removed, or if there are some
>> future plans for it.
>> /a
>> Volodymyr Tarasenko wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> As I see dum is incorrectly generates CSeq in NOTIFY in case when
>>> SUBSCRIBE's SCeq was not 1. NOTIFY's CSeq always starts from 2 in
>>> spite of CSeq in SUBSCRIBE was not 1.
>>> The fast patch is very simple:
>>> --- resip/dum/Dialog.cxx
>>> +++ resip/dum/Dialog.cxx
>>> @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
>>> }
>>> mRemoteCSeq = request.header(h_CSeq).sequence();
>>> - mLocalCSeq = 1;
>>> + mLocalCSeq = request.header(h_CSeq).sequence();
>>> DebugLog ( << "************** Created Dialog as UAS
>>> **************" );
>>> DebugLog ( << "mRemoteNameAddr: " << mRemoteNameAddr );
>>> Also, after code review I've found that mRemoteCSeq is never used
>>> and looks like it could be safety removed.
>>> Regards,
>>> Volodymyr!
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