[reSIProcate] chat added to reSIProcate : online session scheduled for 24Feb09 at 1900Z

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Wed Feb 18 17:04:57 CST 2009

Greetings -

We are adding a new way for reSIProcate developers and users to  
communicate at resiprocate.org.

Please join us in the following jabber chatrooms:
devel at conference.resiprocate.org
users at conference.resiprocate.org

The rooms will be open 24/7 and recent history will be available in  
each room as you join.

Next Tuesday, February 24 at 1900Z (that's 11am US Pacific, 2pm US  
Eastern) we'd like everyone to join devel at conference.resiprocate.org  
for a chat about the project. If you have ideas, feature requests, and  
particularly if you have code in a branch that you'd really like to  
contribute to main, please join this session.

You can use any jabber accounts you already have set up to join the  
group chat on resiprocate.org; but, if you don't have any, you can  
login to the jabber server on resiprocate.org using your existing  
resiprocate developer account in form of <your- 
username>@resiprocate.org.  The server is running the standard pair of  
ports depending on what your client supports: port 5222 requires TLS  
via STARTTLS, and port 5223 begins SSL on initial connection.   
Configure your client to allow plaintext authentication (which will  
only take place over the SSL/TLS encrypted connection because of the  
server-forced security).  The server will present a certificate rooted  
at CACert.org - the root certificates, if you don't already have them,  
can be found at <http://www.cacert.org/index.php?id=3>. This  
information is also available at <https://www.resiprocate.org/Chat>.

Chat with you Tuesday if we don't run into each other in the rooms  
before then!

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