[reSIProcate] [PATCH] Deactivate tests for normal build

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Thu Jan 22 08:56:42 CST 2009

Merging the other two patches is on my to-do list -- but I've been a bit 
busy with work since the holidays.

I don't really work with return or recon, so I wouldn't be able to test 
the makefile patch (and we probably need clearer consensus before we 
make a change like you suggest). I think those projects are 
predominantly Scott's area -- Scott? Any ideas?


Gregor Jasny wrote:
> Gregor Jasny wrote:
>> I've noticed that the tests for recon and return are always build. To
>> shorten the time my Debian resip package needs to build, I've moved this
>> two projects tests to the tests target, too.
> Any news on merging this one?
> Cheers,
> Gregor
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