[reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-users] text parameter collision?

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Jan 7 10:52:05 CST 2009

	We've had a similar collision with qop. I imagine the solution to  
this would be similar.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Moving to resiprocate-devel....
> This is an interesting problem - the same parameter "text" is defined
> differently in two different RFC's:
> RFC3840 - ExistsParameter
> RFC3326 - QuotedDataParameter
> Is this the first time we've had such a collision?   Any suggestions
> for handling this - other than to manually parse the Reason header?
> Scott
> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 5:01 AM, Mats Behre <Mats.Behre at tritech.se>  
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a problem parsing this embedded Reason header:
>> Reason=sip%3btext%3d%22Moved%20Temporarily%22%3bcause%3d302
>> The problem is that the stack does not seem to be able to find the  
>> 'cause'
>> parameter.
>> As this one works fine:
>> Reason=sip%3bcause%3d302%3btext%3d%22Moved%20Temporarily%22
>> I *think* the problem is that there is a 'text' parameter defined,  
>> but as an
>> ExistsParameter, according to ParameterTypes.hxx from RFC 3840. It  
>> seems
>> that the parser is then confused when a 'text' parameter has a value.
>> The Reason header is defined in RFC 3326.
>> What would be the best way to handle this collision?
>> (Reasonably there should be no difference if it was a plain header  
>> and not
>> embedded, but if there really is a difference I decided to show my  
>> real
>> problem.)
>> Rgds,
>> Mats
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