[reSIProcate] does resip support dialog without ack?

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Wed Jan 7 08:17:50 CST 2009

ACK is part of the SIP standard it must be sent.  The Avaya system is
probably trying to send the ACK, but for some reason it is not getting
back to you - likely due to bad information in the contact header of
your 200 response.


On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 7:25 AM, maodong hu <hhmmdd at tom.com> wrote:
> hi, Byron Campen
> As your recomment, I overrided the onAckNotReceived, and NOT tears down the
> dialog, but it still not work correctly as I expect.
> because, even I ignore the ack, I cannot send the following re-invite and
> BYE, and the remote BYE also can not be received.
> the internal dum dialog status seems hang there , is any method to solve it?
> 2008/12/30 Byron Campen <bcampen at estacado.net>
>>        You'll want to override InviteSessionHandler::onAckNotReceived()
>> (by default it tears down the dialog).
>> Best regards,
>> Byron Campen
>>> Hi, all
>>> we use resiprocate by TCP transport to communicate with AVAYA system. but
>>> AVAYA system does not send ACK for our 200 OK, so I want to know does resip
>>> support this situation?
>>> if support, how to write program for this ?
>>> --
>>> Best Regards
>>> Maodong Hu
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> --
> Best Regards
> Maodong Hu
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