[reSIProcate] [Patch] Add support for AfterSocketCreationFuncPtr when using c-ares

Brad Spencer spencer at starscale.com
Sat Dec 13 12:30:17 CST 2008

Now that c-ares 1.6.0 supports socket creation callback functions, I
have added support for the AfterSocketCreationFuncPtr resiprocate
callback when using c-ares.

In detail:

 - Implemented AfterSocketCreationFuncPtr when using c-ares (requires

 - Added TODOs for supporting IPv6 DNS server addresses with c-ares
   (coming soon)

I tested with resiprocate-1.4.1 using c-ares-1.6.0 with and without an
AfterSocketCreationFuncPtr callback set using testDns.  The attached
patch applies against svn main.

BTW, sorry for getting the log messages backwards in my last patch.
Brad Spencer - spencer at starscale.com - www.starscale.com
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