[reSIProcate] Inconsistent return values of findFirstMatchingCodecs() ?

Gabriel Hege gabriel-mailinglists at gmx.de
Fri Dec 12 15:10:55 CST 2008


I have got a question about the function findFirstMatchingCodecs() in 

As I understand it this function has two ways of returning the matching 
codec: either as the return value or in the pointer pMatchingCodec. The 
problem is, that these two return two different values. The former 
returns a codec from the internalCodecList where the latter contains a 
codec from the the other codecList (sIter vs. eIter).
This would not be a problem if these two were really identical, but 
since the operator==(const Codec&, const Codec&) does not compare the 
value of the fmtp-String stored in Codec::mParameters.

Was this intentional? (-> the 's' at the end of the function name?) Then 
it should somehow be made clear which is which. And also to which list 
the "first" in the name applies.

Side note:
A variable "bool found" is defined and set in In findFirstMatchingCodecs 
but is never being evaluated.


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