[reSIProcate] Visual Studio 2005 compilation warnings of 1.4 branch

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Wed Dec 10 15:05:35 CST 2008

On 12/10/08 2:57 PM, Matthias Moetje wrote:
> Adam,
>> All of the BSD libc functions are available under a BSD license, which 
>> is fully compatible with the resiprocate license. These functions in 
>> particular are very short, and importing them into our copy of ares 
>> would be reasonable.
> OK, then let's go this way! I wonder how this is seen by the
> original ares devs and if they are planning something in this 
> field. 

The *original* (MIT) ares developers have abandoned the project. As far 
as I know, two forks of the original project exist: the one inside 
resip, and the c-ares project.

> If I understood the latest discussions correctly it is 
> planned to move all resip specific ares modifications to the 
> main ares branch, so the questions is where to start best..?

I would guess that the move to c-ares as a default, if it comes, will 
still be some time in the future. In any case, modifications to c-ares 
would need to be discussed with their team first.


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