[reSIProcate] Backport nomination?

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Dec 1 19:16:36 CST 2008

> Byron Campen wrote:
>>    So, generally speaking, we backport bugfixes that address crashes
>> and vulnerabilities as soon as we can. Other stuff we'll backport  
>> when
>> we've got a fair number of bugfixes since the last point-release. I  
>> was
>> planning on fixing a couple of outstanding issues, and then cutting a
>> point-release in the near future. Most of your contributions are the
>> sort of thing that could go into such a point-release.
> Am I supposed to flag specific changes for consideration somewhere, or
> does someone usually undertake a somewhat epic task of trawling the  
> svn
> logs?

	That would be yours truly.

> By way of example, the "make reTurn compile with resipfaststreams"
> changes (not actually committed by me) include part of one revision  
> and
> all of another - not something that's easily distinguished on a  
> straight
> read-through of commit comments.

	Thanks for the heads-up. These are 8297 and 8315, correct?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

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