[reSIProcate] Backport nomination?

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Dec 1 17:11:44 CST 2008

	So, generally speaking, we backport bugfixes that address crashes and  
vulnerabilities as soon as we can. Other stuff we'll backport when  
we've got a fair number of bugfixes since the last point-release. I  
was planning on fixing a couple of outstanding issues, and then  
cutting a point-release in the near future. Most of your contributions  
are the sort of thing that could go into such a point-release.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Some of the changes I've been committing would, I think, be reasonable
> candidates for backport to 1.4.2, when/if it happens.
> What is the resiprocate procedure for nominating a change for backport
> consideration?
> Are there any established policies on what sort of changes are and are
> not acceptable?
> Thanks,
> Max.
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