[reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-users] Bug report

Karlsson boost.regex at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 09:19:39 CST 2008

Seems the reSIProcate 1.4.1 still not fixed this bug - I just test it a
moment ago.

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 11:24 PM, Robert Sparks <rjsparks at estacado.net>wrote:

>  For anyone that's trying to wrap their heads around this and having
> trouble:
> Accept:
> (That is an Accept: header with no values) in a message means something
> fundamentally different than a message with no Accept header field at all.
> It explicitly says this UA will Accept no MIME-types where the absence of
> the field means the UA is not telling what it will accept or not.
> To answer Byron's question, though, I did a quick skim of the header fields
> defined in 3261 and don't see any where it makes sense for them to be
> present with no value. I can't, off the top of my head, think of any already
> defined elsewhere that would allow no value. And (with the caveat that I
> haven't thought about it very long) can't think of any really good reason
> anyone would _want_ to define a single valued header where no value meant
> something. The only thing I can come up with is if the header field is
> intended to carry some literal and the empty string is a valid literal in
> its context, but I would hope whoever defined it would put some delineators
> (or use some encoding) to reduce the potential ambiguity.
> (If I ever get to influence some future protocol, I will argue against the
> form we're allowing for header fields like Accept and ask for explicit bits
> that can be put there to semantically signal "none").
> RjS
>  On Jul 24, 2008, at 10:04 AM, Byron Campen wrote:
>  Moving this to resip-devel:
> Hmm, it looks like we're tripping over the code that is meant to
> distinguish "Accept: " from the absence of an Accept header (or other
> headers of that type; Allow, Allow-Events, etc). These are all multi-value
> headers.
> Should we really be doing this for single-value headers? I don't think we
> should. If we get a single value header that is empty, we should not be
> representing it as an empty list. Can anyone think of a counter-example
> where an empty single-value header needs to be fundamentally conceptually
> different than a normal single-value header?
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
>  Thank you Byron, but same problem, this is my code:
>         Data subject;
>         if (sub.exists(h_Subject)==true &&
> sub.header(h_Subject).isWellFormed()==true)
>         {
>             subject = sub.header(h_Subject).value();
>         }
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 10:42 PM, Byron Campen <bcampen at estacado.net>
> wrote:
>>  You need to throw in a sub.header(h_Subject).isWellFormed() in that
>> check, ie:
>>          Data subject;
>>         if (sub.exists(h_Subject)==true &&
>> sub.header(h_Subject).isWellFormed() &&
>> sub.header(h_Subject).value().empty()==false)
>>         {
>>             subject = sub.header(h_Subject).value();
>>         }
>> Best regards,
>> Byron Campen
>>   Hi all, I think I found a bug:
>> 1: I using the counterpath Bria to send a presence SUBSCRIBE to my UA.
>> 2: I use wireshark to capture the SUBSCRIBE message, saw it has Subject
>> header, but this header value is empty.
>> 3: onNewSubscription(ServerSubscriptionHandle h, const SipMessage& sub)
>> call back is fired, then I use this code to access the Subject header:
>>         Data subject;
>>         if (sub.exists(h_Subject)==true &&
>> sub.header(h_Subject).value().empty()==false)
>>         {
>>             subject = sub.header(h_Subject).value();
>>         }
>> When running to sub.header(h_Subject).value().empty()==false, the VC2005
>> debuger go to dialogusagemanager.cxx line 1778:
>>             catch (BaseException& e)
>>             {
>>                SipMessage failure;   <----------- it's go to here
>>                makeResponse(failure, request, 400, e.getMessage());
>>                failure.header(h_AcceptLanguages) =
>> getMasterProfile()->getSupportedLanguages();
>>                sendResponse(failure);
>>             }
>> If  the subject header value is not empty, then all are ok.
>> thanks
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