[reSIProcate] Assertion failure/crash in ARES

Gabriel Hege gabriel-mailinglists at gmx.de
Wed Nov 26 13:39:05 CST 2008

Hi Derek,

thanks for looking into that. Here is the Wireshark log of the 
problematic request+reply.
There ist only an AAAA-Request, because afterwards the application crashes.

Oh, I forgot to mention in my first mail, that I am using Windows XP.

best regards,

Derek MacDonald wrote:
> Hi Gabriel,
> Thanks for finding this. A wireshark log would be very helpful; I'm sure 
> we can patch this fairly easily once we see exactly what is going on.
> -Derek
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 8:11 AM, Gabriel Hege 
> <gabriel-mailinglists at gmx.de <mailto:gabriel-mailinglists at gmx.de>> wrote:
>     Hi!
>     I came across a problem in ares with misbehaving(?) nameservers. I
>     have been using a nameserver ( <>),
>     which does not give a "No such name" response, when queried for
>     nonexistent domain names but a list of some additional records.
>     In debug builds this causes an assertion failure in file dnsstub.cxx
>     line 223: assert (!soa.empty());
>     This naturally leads to an error with release builds in line 225:
>     RRCache::instance()->cacheTTL(key, rrType, status, soa[0]);
>     I am not all that familiar with DNS, that I could say whether the
>     DNS server is actually misbehaving or not, but I can supply
>     Wireshark logs if that helps.
>     Anyhow I think it should gracefully fail - misbehaving servers or not.
>     best regards,
>      gabriel
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