[reSIProcate] Followup on c-ares support

Brad Spencer spencer at starscale.com
Mon Nov 24 15:17:43 CST 2008

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 08:47:07AM -0600, Adam Roach wrote:
> (For configure script changes, make sure to run the configure script 
> interactively [without -y] and in full-screen mode [with -m] to make 
> sure your changes behave correctly)

Crud.  I didn't think to do that.  Thanks!
> By the way, the buildconf script in c-ares doesn't work under OS X -- 
> for some reason, the 'libtoolize' binary is available only under its 
> alternate name 'glibtoolize'. It would be quite a help if you could 
> commit a change back to fix this problem.

I will take a look at this as soon as I can get my hands on a Mac and
try to get it fixed in c-ares.

Brad Spencer - spencer at starscale.com - www.starscale.com
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