[reSIProcate] Status of faststreams?

Max Bowsher maxb at f2s.com
Mon Nov 24 05:11:49 CST 2008


What is the status of the faststreams code in Resiprocate 1.4.1, and
should it really be enabled by default?

Whilst it does seem to work ok to build the stack, DUM, and repro,
building other parts of resiprocate source tree fails
with numerous compiler errors:
 - resip/stack/test/testStack.cxx
   rutil Inserter doesn't work with faststream
 - reTurn/**
   asio::ip:address cannot be inserted into a faststream
 - tfm/**
   Makes numerous direct references to STL streams

Defining RESIP_USE_STL_STREAMS allows these things to build.


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