[reSIProcate] Timers: why system time?

Alexander Altshuler alt at kaluga.ru
Wed Nov 5 11:02:23 CST 2008


Also one additional thing to concern:
If you use StackThread you will never face the bug - Timer::getTimeMs()
is called at least every 25 ms.

Alexander Altshuler

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Roach [mailto:adam at nostrum.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 10:12 PM
To: Byron Campen
Cc: Alexander; 'resiprocate-devel'
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Timers: why system time?

To qualify things further, though: in order for this bug to be 
triggered, you would need to have no calls to "Timer::getTimeMs()" for 
over two minutes (131.07 seconds, to be more precise) as the 49.7-day 
boundary rolls around. In a normally operating SIP stack, the chances of

this happening seem vanishingly small.

So, it's a corner case on top of a corner case. And it only happens on 
WIN32 systems.

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