[reSIProcate] Timers: why system time?

Alexander alt at kaluga.ru
Thu Oct 30 06:17:32 CDT 2008


Here is a patch to use monotonic clock.
It is 3 modified files from reSIProcate 1.4.
Attached files have Windows (CLRF) eof-style.


GetTickCount() with 16 ms inaccuracy used.
It is very simple to change it to timeGetTime() etc with 1 ms accuracy,
but it will require init/fini calls on application level and linking
with Winmm.lib 

Tested on Windows XP SP2, compiled with VS7.1

Not tested on Windows CE


If monotonic clock is not available (compile time and runtime) it will
fall back to gettimeofday() 

I am not familiar with reSIProcate build system so I use workaround to
avoid linking with librt:
syscall( __NR_clock_gettime, ... )
instead of clock_gettime(...)

IMHO it may not work on other POSIX compliant platforms.

Pass only some basic tests on my Linux PC (2.6.18 kernel)

Any feedbacks appreciated.

Alexander Altshuler
Xeepe team
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