[reSIProcate] Timers: why system time?

Alexander alt at kaluga.ru
Thu Oct 23 10:26:51 CDT 2008


If during some time range local OS time was not changes (by NTP for
example) behavior will be the same as now in all use cases.

Registration stuff has two sides: client and server parts.

Server part uses time() to detect "now" and save absolute registration
expire time. Upon OS time change some registration may become obsolete
or instead go to future. It is the same as now. But significant time
change is seldom use case for working servers.

Client part will send registration update every configured interval. At
the moment if somebody shift time back you may have very long timeout
before next registration update.

So I see only positive impact.

Alexander Altshuler
Xeepe project

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthias Moetje [mailto:moetje at terasens.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 6:17 PM
To: 'Alexander'; 'resiprocate-devel'
Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] Timers: why system time?


would this affect registrations? We are currently storing registrations
(as a registrar server) in our own database with absolute values (UTC).
Would your proposed change only affect internal resip timers or also the
registration stuff?

Best regards,
Freundliche Grüße,

Matthias Moetje

TERASENS GmbH       Phone:  +49.89.143370-0
Augustenstraße 24   Fax:    +49.89.143370-22
80333 Munich        e-mail: info at terasens.com
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