[reSIProcate] Gruu and ClientRegistration

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Oct 8 17:59:56 CDT 2008

	I've been looking into the Gruu code a little more, and I have a  
couple questions related to how ClientRegistration uses it. The first  
is the interaction with the old r-instance code; we are still  
determining which contacts are ours solely by using r-instance;  
shouldn't we be using +sip.instance if it is present?

       // rinstace parameter is added to contacts created by this  
client, so we can
       // use it to determine which contacts in the 200 response are  
ours.  This
       // should eventually be replaced by gruu stuff.
       if (it->uri().exists(p_rinstance) &&
           it->uri().param(p_rinstance) == itMy- 
          expiry = resipMin((UInt32)it->param(p_expires), expiry);
          fallbackExpiry = resipMin((UInt32)it->param(p_expires),  
catch(ParseException& e)
    DebugLog(<< "Ignoring unparsable contact in REG/200: " << e);

Also, when addBinding() is called, we don't do anything related to  
+sip.instance; is this the intended behavior?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

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