[reSIProcate] Maybe a bug ? SipMessage::remove() is crashed in DumFeature::process() function

Justin Matthews jmatthewsr at gmail.com
Sat Oct 4 06:42:27 CDT 2008

You need to dynamic cast the Message pointer and if it's 0 then it's not a
SipMessage and you should ignore it.


Also, I think you still need to make a copy of the HeaderFieldValue to
allocate a buffer that is owned by the underlying HeaderFieldValue.


Untested code:



DumFeature::ProcessingResult MyFeature::process(Message* msg)

SipMessage* sipMsg  = dynamic_cast<SipMessage*>(msg);

 if (sipMsg)


  const resip::Data headerName("User-Agent");

  resip::Data headerValue("test");


  Headers::Type headerType = Headers::getType(headerName.data(),


  if (headerType != Headers::UNKNOWN)


   HeaderFieldValueList * hfvs = new HeaderFieldValueList();

   hfvs->push_back(new HeaderFieldValue(HeaderFieldValue(headerValue.data(),

   sipMsg->setRawHeader(hfvs, headerType);




 return DumFeature::FeatureDone;



From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at resiprocate.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at resiprocate.org] On Behalf Of Karlsson
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 11:42 PM
To: resiprocate-devel
Subject: [reSIProcate] Maybe a bug ? SipMessage::remove() is crashed in
DumFeature::process() function


Hi all, I have write a class which derived from DumFeature, and implemented
the process function:



DumFeature::ProcessingResult MyFeature::process(Message* msg)

 SipMessage* sipMsg = (SipMessage*)msg;
 if (sipMsg)
  const resip::Data headerName("User-Agent");
  resip::Data headerValue("test);

  resip::HeaderBase * headerBase =

  if (headerBase)
   if (sipMsg->exists(*headerBase) == true)

   HeaderFieldValueList * hfvs = new HeaderFieldValueList();
   hfvs->push_back(new HeaderFieldValue(headerValue.data(),

   sipMsg->setRawHeader(hfvs, Headers::getType(headerName.data(),



 return DumFeature::FeatureDone;


My application is crashed on sipMsg->remove(*headerBase); I have debug this


SipMessage::remove(const HeaderBase& headerType)
   delete mHeaders[headerType.getTypeNum()];
------------------------->when runing to this line, it will be crashed.
   mHeaders[headerType.getTypeNum()] = 0; 



Above code I have using with MessageDecorator::decorateMessage function,
it's working fine.


And I try to use SipMessage* sipMsg = dynamic_cast<SipMessage*>(msg); to
instead SipMessage* sipMsg = (SipMessage*)msg;

but it's failed, the dynamic_cast result it 0.





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