[reSIProcate] Forking with DUM

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Mon Sep 8 09:12:00 CDT 2008

Forking is normally provided by a proxy not a UA, so DUM is setup to
be able handle it's calls getting forked, but it is not currently
inteded to be used to actually perform a fork.  I'll assume you are
writing some form of B2BUA - why not just initiate multiple outbound
calls with seperate AppDialogSet's, and use some common userdata in
order to associate them all together?


On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Matthias Moetje <moetje at terasens.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently trying to implement forking ny using this code:
> for (resip::ContactList::iterator i = contacts.begin(); i != contacts.end();
> i++)
> {
>      resip::SharedPtr<resip::SipMessage> pMsg =
> mDum->makeInviteSession(naTarget, spUserProfile, sdp, pMyAppDialogSet);
>      pMsg->header(h_RequestLine).uri() = i->mContact.uri();
>      mDum->send(pMsg);
> }
> Unfortunately with this approach it seems that the AppDialogSet gets
> destroyed
> as soon as I call h->end on one of the InviteSessions. I found that
> DialogSet::mDialogs
> is empty and therefore possiblyDie succeeds and destroys the DialogSet. When
> further messages are processed, a crash occurs because the DialogSet does
> not
> exist any longer.
> Before I investigate this further I wanted to know if this is a valid
> approach for
> forking at all?
> Best regards,
> Matthias Moetje
> Augustenstraße 24
> 80333 Munich
> Phone:
> Fax:
> e-mail:
> Web:
> +49.89.143370-0
> +49.89.143370-22
> info at terasens.com
> www.terasens.com
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