[reSIProcate] Is Resiprocate IMS compliant?

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Mon Aug 25 14:20:13 CDT 2008

On Aug 20, 2008, at 06:12 , Sonika Jindal wrote:

> Is Resiprocate IMS compliant?

What does it mean, to you, for a SIP stack to be IMS compliant?

If you are asking - can you build a SIP application that supports the  
appropriate headers and sematics of a particular IMS/3GPP release,  
then yes, you can build such an application successfully with  

Does reSIProcate (the stack) do anything special as delivered to  
support P-headers or other interesting non-RFC3261 features required  
in an IMS environment? Not as delivered.

reSIProcate is just a SIP stack, and if you write your user-agent and/ 
or other component using it, you can easily add support for the  
specialized requirements of IMS. Many companies have already done so  
with their own products.

If this does not clearly address your question, please expand your  
question and someone can take a stab at providing you with a better  

Alan Hawrylyshen

Alan Hawrylyshen
a l a n a t p o l y p h a s e d o t c a

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