[reSIProcate] Transport selection and register/lookup behavior

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Fri Jul 18 14:45:23 CDT 2008

Actually Gabriel is right here.  Repro does not currently normalize the
URI's - so if you register with a port on your URI, then you must call that
identity by including the port.

There was some discussion about this a year or so ago and Rohan had designed
the changes that we would need to make to repro.  They should be in the
repro-devel mailing list archives, we just haven't got around to
implementing them yet.


> The second question is about Repro:
> When a client registers with the proxy and specifies a port in the 
> To-URI, you always have to specify the port, when calling that 
> client via Repro. This is even the case when the specified port is 
> the default port (e.g. 5060).
> Wouldn't it it make sense for Repro to have the URIs match on lookup 
> even though only one of them explicitly specifies the (default) port?

        repro really should be ignoring the port altogether, I think. Anyone


Best regards,
Byron Campen

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