[reSIProcate] VB: Assert in TransactionState.cxx

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Jul 18 08:42:19 CDT 2008

	I have never seen something like this happen. What platform are you  

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hello again!
> I still haven’t received any response to this so I’m rephrasing  
> myself:
> Has anybody else experienced that reciprocate generates the same  
> branch for different requests in different dialogs? Is it known to  
> happen?
> If anybody would have the time to look at this I would much  
> appreciate it!
> /kj
> Från: Krister Jarl
> Skickat: den 25 juni 2008 17:28
> Till: resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
> Ämne: Assert in TransactionState.cxx
> Hi!
> We’re experiencing some problems with resiprocate-1.2. The scenario  
> is described below:
> Our implementation sends an INVITE which is answered with 100  
> Trying. After this we receive a 200 ok to another INVITE sent to  
> another destination. We respond to this by calling createDialogAsUAC 
> () and then makeAck(). This works fine in most cases (99%) but  
> sometimes the ACK gets the same tid as the first INVITE. This  
> results in an incorrect state and we get an assert at line 253 in  
> TransactionState.cxx. Any ideas on what might be wrong?
> Please find the logs attached. Thanks!
> /kj
> <log.txt>
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