[reSIProcate] NULL Pointer crash with resip 1.3.3

Aron Rosenberg arosenberg at sightspeed.com
Mon Jul 14 13:49:46 CDT 2008

Resip ver: SVN rev 8128 on 1.3 branch


Call Stack: 

resip::AppDialogSet::getHandle() Line 22 + 0x3 bytes C++
resip::DialogUsage::getAppDialogSet() Line 38 + 0x18 bytes C++
resip::ClientSubscription::processResponse(const resip::SipMessage &
msg={...}) Line 198 + 0x12 bytes C++
resip::ClientSubscription::dispatch(const resip::SipMessage & msg={...})
Line 117 C++
resip::Dialog::dispatch(const resip::SipMessage & msg={...}) Line 651 +
0x1a bytes C++
resip::DialogSet::dispatchToAllDialogs(const resip::SipMessage &
msg={...}) Line 1028 C++
resip::DialogSet::dispatch(const resip::SipMessage & msg={...}) Line 608
resip::DialogUsageManager::processResponse(const resip::SipMessage &
response={...}) Line 1810 C++
msg=auto_ptr {tu=??? }) Line 1363 C++
msg=auto_ptr {tu=??? }) Line 1190 C++
resip::DialogUsageManager::process(resip::RWMutex * mutex=0x00000000)
Line 1390 + 0x49 bytes C++
SipEP::run() Line 3408 + 0xa bytes C++


The crash is because the appDialogSet returned in
DialogUsage::getAppDialogSet() is NULL.


It came from our production client and is reasonable repeatable, so I am
working on getting the resip logs that would go with it.






Aron Rosenberg

Founder and CTO

SightSpeed - http://www.sightspeed.com/ <http://www.sightspeed.com/> 


918 Parker St, Suite A14

Berkeley, CA 94710


Email: arosenberg at sightspeed.com

Phone: 510-665-2920

Cell: 510-847-7389

Fax: 510-649-9569

SightSpeed Video Link: http://aron.sightspeed.com




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