[reSIProcate] Awful performance on Leopard

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Sat Jul 12 00:45:05 CDT 2008

On Jul 11, 2008, at 21:52 , Adam Roach wrote:

> So.... for <10k transactions, we would run *faster* with the  
> firewall turned on some non-trivial fraction of the time? This is  
> getting more bizarre...

I'm not so sure that's valid. I mean the variability  under 10K  
transactions (total) is so large that I think we have to assume that  
we lose the precision in the range...
PS: it took me a minute longer than expected to disable the AFW,  
therefore the ~72K and ~97K points that are green and clearly in the w  
AFW range are really with the firewall enabled.

Here's the plots with a moving average. Initial average is inital  
point, so it's an approximation (from awk:
awk 'BEGIN { sum=0;} {if (sum==0) sum=$4; sum=(9*sum+$4)/10 ; print  
$0" "sum;}' sorted.dat  > ma.dat
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