[reSIProcate] Awful performance on Leopard

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Jul 11 12:47:46 CDT 2008

	Basically the same results:

[bcampen at dn3-233:~/checkouts/resiprocatehead/resip/stack/test]$ ./ 
testStack --num-runs=100000 --bind=
Performing 100000 runs.
100000 registrations peformed in 208295 ms, a rate of 480.088  
transactions per second.]
Note: this test runs both sides (client and server)

	I posted a question to Apple's forum, but no replies yet. I may try  
contacting their support staff directly if I don't get some sort of  
traction by next week.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> One thing that you haven't done yet Byron, is shared you actual  
> results.
> You were right about the DNS issue, here are my (real) results:
> polycarb:test alan$ ./testStack  --bind= --num-runs=100000
> Performing 100000 runs.
> 100000 registrations peformed in 214881 ms, a rate of 465.374  
> transactions per second.]
> Note: this test runs both sides (client and server)
> What were yours?
> A
> On Jul 10, 2008, at 16:10 , Philip Kizer wrote:
>> On 2008, Jul 10, at 15:39, Byron Campen wrote:
>>> 	Interesting. What version of Leopard are you running? Also, what  
>>> network interfaces were enabled on your run?
>> Looks a bit anomalous on your machine, Byron.
>> Tiger% system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType | grep Mac ;  
>> system_profiler SPNetworkDataType | egrep "^ *Type:|Has IP " | grep  
>> -B1 Yes | grep Type: ; system_profiler SPFirewallDataType | egrep  
>> "Mode:|Policy:"
>>     System Version: Mac OS X 10.4.11 (8S2167)
>>     Type: AirPort
>> Tiger% ./testStack --num-runs=100000
>> Performing 100000 runs.
>> 100000 registrations peformed in 37088 ms, a rate of 2696.29  
>> transactions per second.]
>> Leopard% system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType | grep Mac ;  
>> system_profiler SPNetworkDataType | egrep "^ *Type:|Has IP " | grep  
>> -B1 Yes | grep Type: ; system_profiler SPFirewallDataType | egrep  
>> "Mode:|Policy:"
>>     System Version: Mac OS X 10.5.4 (9E17)
>>     Type: AirPort
>>     Mode: Allow all incoming connections
>> Leopard% ./testStack --num-runs=100000
>> Performing 100000 runs.
>> 100000 registrations peformed in 29238 ms, a rate of 3420.21  
>> transactions per second.]
>> -philip
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