[reSIProcate] Awful performance on Leopard

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Wed Jul 9 20:01:56 CDT 2008

Hard to say -- I'm on 10.5.4 and here is my output from testStack on  

polycarb:test alan$ ./testStack
Performing 10000 runs.
10000 registrations peformed in 4319 ms, a rate of 2315.35  
transactions per second.]
Note: this test runs both sides (client and server)
polycarb:test alan$

Tell me what to run and with what args so I can reproduce yours...
This is an older MacBook (not Pro) 2GHz.


On Jul 9, 2008, at 15:44 , Byron Campen wrote:

> 	I upgraded my laptop to Leopard recently, and it appears that the  
> performance of the resip stack has gone straight down the toilet. I  
> have verified on one other Leopard install. On inspection, it looks  
> like the Leopard firewall is at fault (accounting for >90% of the  
> cycles used by testStack). Has anyone else dealt with this?
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen_______________________________________________
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