[reSIProcate] [reSIProcate-commit] resiprocate 7867 derek: pu this in your .subversion directory or be struck by a cricket bat

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Tue Jun 17 15:01:24 CDT 2008

(apologies to derek - not really meaning to pick on his typing,
  but he triggered a brain-riff)

PU(1)                           Unexistant Commands  
Manual                                PU(1)

	pu - - display odorificity characteristics

        pu [ -H | -p ] [file ...]

	The pu utility display various indications of odor intensities for
	each file argument and for each directory in the file hierarchy
	rooted in each directory argument. If no file is specified, the
	odor of the hierarchy rooted in the current directory is displayed.

	The options are as follows:

	-H	Displays characteristics as experienced while holding a
		standard olfactory sensing apparatus (nose).

	-p	User a "proxy" reading instead of evaluating oderificousness
		directly. Recommended for files containing descriptions of
		strong cheeses, unmaintained code, or arguments about

	Files having multiple hard links are sensed multiple times (which
	is a bug or a feature depending on the characteristics of the file).
	Symbolic links with different ownership values than the actual
         file-system object being referenced are reported to have a  
         fishy overtone above and beyond the actual objects odor.


	CONGESTION	If set, attempts to adjust the result to match the
					experience of an apparatus in the given congestion

	ralph(1), omg(7)

	pu should never be run on pu - the results are undefined.
	Running pu on the output of pu is similarly discouraged.
	pu should be used with extreme caution over file-system views
	into other os-structures, specifically proc (there might be zombies)

On Jun 17, 2008, at 2:36 PM, svn at resiprocate.org wrote:

> Project	resiprocate
> New Revision	7867
> Committer	derek (Derek MacDonald)
> Date	2008-06-17 14:36:54 -0500 (Tue, 17 Jun 2008)
> Log
>  pu this in your .subversion directory or be struck by a cricket bat
> Added:
> main/p2p/config
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