[reSIProcate] Any known issues with resip 1.2.3 with SIGCOMP enabled option?

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Jun 12 08:05:16 CDT 2008

	The short answer is "sigcomp doesn't work". There were several bugs  
in the sigcomp code fixed as of 1.3, but there were still issues (not  
seg-faulting anymore, but there was some sort of error in the  
interaction between the transport code and the open sigcomp stack,  
causing compression/decompression to fail). In 1.3 and HEAD, sigcomp  
support is disabled. I am not sure when this will be fixed; no-one  
seems to have the time or inclination to work on it right now.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> I am trying out resip release v 1.2.3 with USE_SIGCOMP option and  
> using openSigcomp library.
> But the repro itself segments as soon it receives any Request such  
> as INVITE from non-sigcomp softphones.
> Ideally it should handle "uncompressed" requests, but is there any  
> known issue regarding this?
> Any body having any idea how to resolve this issue?
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Aryan
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