[reSIProcate] RADIUS for reSIProcate/dum

Daniel Pocock daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Fri May 9 05:14:43 CDT 2008

> 	Agreed; we probably should not compile the Radius stuff at all
> unless we're configured to. (See the mysql stuff in the repro
> Makefile for an example of this) We can have configure try to auto-
> detect too (see the commented out code for enabling sigcomp for an
> example of this).

There are several different possibilities:

- we have lot's of optional components, the user must answer a question
for each one - it takes longer to run configure

- we auto-detect the headers (e.g. radiusclient-ng, mysql) and if they
don't exist, we don't build some code - in this case, some users will be
left scratching their head wondering why their application complains about
missing symbols when linking, even though they can see the RADIUS files in
the reSIProcate source tree.  When the user has finished running
configure, it should provide a report showing what it couldn't find.

- configure auto-detects the headers and refuses to proceed if they can't
be found - the user is made aware that something is missing, so they can
prepare their environment before running configure again.  They might see
a message that says `radiusclient-ng.h not found - please install the
libradiusclient-ng library and headers, or run ./configure

I prefer the last choice - in an environment like Debian or Red Hat, we
can just provide a single `apt-get' or `yum' command that will install all
third party headers in one go.



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